About Us
Birney is served by two parent organizations who work side by side with teachers and staff to provide a World Class IB education for our students. Working together as the "Birney Beekeeper Alliance," our parent organizations hold regular joint board meetings, jointly host parent meetings, and play complementary functions:
The Birney Parent Teacher Association (PTA) serves as the community-building arm, traditionally organizing community gatherings, promoting parent education, and engaging in education policy advocacy.
The Friends of Alice Birney Elementary (FOABE) serves as the IB funding arm, traditionally providing Spanish enrichment, art, and garden instruction, along with classroom supplies, field trips, assemblies, and attendance recognition.
If you've got questions or comments, we'd love to hear them. If you're not sure who to send your comments to, please send it to info@birneypta.com.
All possible content for the PTA/FOABE eBlast or the Birney Buzz should be sent to info@birneypta.com by the Thursday of the previous week.
The Buzz is typically released on Fridays; the eBlasts go out to our mailing list every Tuesday during the school year.
General Information
Volunteer Coordinator