3rd Grade Supply List
Third grade really doesn't require any supply list. All students will be provided with a third grade homework folder, journals, and pencils to use in class. Your child’s teacher will provide labels to identify each material and who they belong to.
As a third grade team, we work together as a community of learners, which means we have shared supplies and work together.
Personal supplies become a management issue in the classroom and we don't want parents feeling that they have to get everything on a list before school starts and adding to the stress of a new school year. We would rather have parents wait to buy any supplies until we have our open house.
Please, no mechanical pencils. Most students do not have the fine motor skills developed yet to use them properly, and they become a huge distraction in the classroom. Also, three ring binders are not necessary (or wanted) nor are the big supply boxes which don't fit easily into mailboxes or desks.
Thank you,
The Third Grade Teaching Team
Classroom donations which would be welcome:
Dry erase markers
Ziploc bags (Gallon, quart, snack)
Kleenex tissues
Clorox wipes
Baby wipes
Super Sticky Post-It Notes
Hand Sanitizer
Paper towels
Paper plates
Scotch tape
Colored Printer paper
Glue sticks
Colored pencils
Crayola/RoseArt 8-pack Markers
Individual pencil sharpeners
These supplies are recommended but not required for homework:
Pencils (pre-sharpened)
Pencil sharpener
Yellow Highlighter
Colored pencils
Glue sticks
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